Friday, December 19, 2008

Baby sleep

Baby girl has been having a hard time staying asleep lately. Right now, I'm sitting downstairs waiting for her to finish crying. She stops & starts again. It's really hard for me to be in there and hear her crying. It makes me really sad. I hope we don't have to do this cry-it-out method for too many more nights.

In lighter news, last sunday, we bought her a jumperoo to play in. The woman I bought it from insisted that she wouldn't be able to have any fun in it yet. She said that her 3.5 month old had to have a pillow under his feet so he could touch the floor. She could touch the floor, and starting bouncing within a few minutes. But, apparently she's pretty tall for her age. She in the 95th percentile again at this month's checkup. I don't know where the height is coming from, maybe her grandpa.
I was hoping that the bouncer would encourage her to grab at the toys. At first, she just stood there & stared at them, but after only 3 days, she's spinning the toys & grabbing at them. I didn't think it would happen this fast! She's been trying to grab at things, so I kept trying to hold toys for her. Now she's starting to hold them for herself. That's pretty exciting. Brad said she even spinned herself around to play with a new toy on the other side. Yay!

Also, Brad plays a new game with her, he makes a raspberry sound with his mouth. She repeats it, just makes a lot of drool in the process. She also likes to chew on her hands a lot, that also makes for a lot of drool. So, she spends most of her time these days with a bib around her neck.

Well, she's been quiet for a while now, so I'm going to try to go to bed. Wish me luck!

Monday, December 1, 2008


We had the best day of the year on "Black Friday." Most people spend the day doing their Xmas shopping, but in my family, we decorate my parents' house for Xmas. We play music, watch movies, eat lots of sweets, and of course, Thanksgiving leftovers while decorating the house. My job is to set up the tree. It sounds like a simple task, but my mom has been collecting Hallmark ornaments since about 1986. And she buys more than a few each year. They each come wrapped in plastic or bubble wrap, inside a plastic tray, inside a box. Imagine hundreds of ornaments on the tree! When we're done, there aren't many empty branches! My brother & sister spent Thanksgiving night at my house so we could get up early & go shopping. We stayed up too late, and I really didn't have much to shop for, so we went later on in the morning. All we got once we went to the store was supplies for a gingerbread house & some egg nog - a MUST for tree day!

I've never made a gingerbread house before, so I figured it would be fun to do it with the family. Apparently, I really suck at baking. After we had mixed it up, I looked at my sister & asked her if it looked a little light to be gingerbread. She said maybe it gets darker when you bake it. I wasn't so sure. Before I left to go home, I noticed the unopened bottle of molasses I had brought. DANGIT! That's what it was missing! The pieces had already been put in the freezer to keep for the next time - we didn't have time to finish it all on tree day. Maybe when it thaws out, we can add it? I don't know. We may have to start again.

Ella is becoming quite a little character these days. The other morning, I woke up to see her smiling at me. When I smiled back, she let out a really loud giggle. I had spent the night at my parents' house, so they heard her too. She just kept talking and giggling whenever I would talk to her. What a cutie! I got out the video camera, but as always, she pretty much stopped when it was turned on. :(

Brad plays a few games with her. The first one, he holds her hands & helps her stand up. She holds herself upright, just needs to be steadied. Then, he lets her drop down on her butt. In a few seconds, she's ready to stand again. It's really cute.

The second one, he holds her hands again while she's standing & shakes her slowly back & forth. She holds her arms really tight & giggles when we do this one too! When we finish, she tries to do it herself, but it's really shaky! So adorable!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Wireless Triggers!

So I broke down & bought myself some "poverty wizards." For those of you scratching your heads, it allows me to take a photo & use my flash off the camera. I tried to use a cord, but it was very unreliable. So I was practicing with the new ones & they seem to be pretty good. I just wish
I would have gotten a second one for my other flash! I can't wait to put these to the test in NJ next week. I've got some fruit to shoot & it should be fun!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Hand Jive

She has now learned to grab at the toys in her bouncy seat. They hang above her, and a few weeks ago, she figured out how to kick them with her feet. Last night, she grabbed them with her hands for a few seconds. It was pretty cool, sitting there watching her learn!

The giggles are getting closer yet. Sometimes she just looks at me and lets out a really loud giggle. Those are the best!

Thursday, November 13, 2008


Ok, so it's been a while since I've posted & the hubby keeps harassing me about having a blog that I never update.

Baby girl is 23.5 inches long now & weighs 11lbs, 13oz as of this morning. The hubby & Em came to visit me & have lunch at work today! Actually they just left. :'(
I'm at work now, finishing off my 2nd week back. It's good to be back into society, but it's really hard to be away from her all day. It's like I get a reward every day when I get to come home & see her.

She can hold up her head really well. She also likes to sit in the bouncer & kick the toys. She has increasing amounts of happy time during the day, instead of just eating & sleeping. At about 4 weeks, she began cooing & really smiling. That was awesome! I thought she was going to be much older when she started that. She's so close to giggling, I can't wait for the first real one. It's gonna be awesome. We bought her Christmas outfit last week. There weren't many things in the stores, but I found a really great sweater dress at Baby Gap. I thought it was going to take so much longer to find something that I really like. I mean, this is her first Christmas! This is important stuff! There are little tights that match it perfectly. They have little Mary Janes on them so it looks like she's wearing shoes!

Nothing much else to say, except that my daughter is AWESOME!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Baby Ella is here!

On Saturday, September 6, we had our precious little girl!! I was scheduled to be induced at 7am, and we couldn't sleep for 2 nights before. It's really nerve-wracking to know when you're going to deliver. It just makes the anticipation that much worse.

So on Friday night, we had a little get-together at a local pub for a few friends that had moved out of town. They were back for the weekend, so we figured we'd go make a visit. I knew I wasn't going to sleep anyway, so may as well go out & see some other people. After about an hour, we had another place to go. On Friday afternoon, the hubby & I decided to make a night of it & go out to eat at 10:00. With the scheduled induction, I was advised not to eat after midnight. I wanted to make sure I had some energy to make it through the delivery, so I put off dinner until the latest possible time! I tried to get together some friends, but there wasn't much of a response since I waited too long to invite people. We had 2 takers, so the 4 of us ate a late dinner. It was very nice, and really exciting to think that this was our "last meal" pre-baby!

When we got home, my mom, brother & sister were here, waiting for us to let them in. I wanted them to come into the delivery room, until I began pushing. Brad & I wanted it to be a special time, just for the 3 of us when she finally came. After a few minutes, I decided that we should get to bed. It was nearly 1:00 in the morning, and I had a big job to do the next day. We went upstairs to hopefully get some sleep. I laid in bed for an hour or two, reading & trying to get sleepy. Well, I was sleepy, but apparently not enough to actually fall asleep. By around 2:30, the hubby & I (maybe I should say "daddy") decided to go for a walk. He was having a hard time sleeping too. We walked around the school parking lot for about a half hour. I was getting pretty sore, and was hoping to go into labor on my own without the induction. My feet got really swollen (which had become a regular occurance at this point), so we had to stop. We went back to bed, hoping for a few minutes of sleep. I finally got to sleep. only to wake up at about 4:15. I really had to go to the bathroom, so I got up & walked in there. Once I got into the room, I got what I thought was a cramp. I stood there for a minute or two, and it passed. After about 15 minutes of this cramping, then no cramping, I realized that this must be what labor feels like. It felt nothing at all like what I had anticipated. I expected the pain, but the other part that no one ever talks about is the worst part. It feels like really bad food poisoning, and every organ in your body wants to come out. It's a really sickening feeling, and not fun at all. I kept thinking that I had food poisoning & was cursing our late night dinner. I went back to bed, and asked Brad to start timing them. He was completely asleep, so it took a minute or two before he understood what I was saying. He got out the phone & used the stopwatch feature to time the contractions & the time in between. They were about 1-1/2 minutes long, with about 4 minutes in between. According to the childbirth class, it was time to go to the hospital. Brad called the doctor, who didn't answer - but he left a message. He went downstairs to wake up my poor brother & sister, who had only been sleeping for a few hours. I went into the baby's room, where my hospital bag had been sitting. I knew that I had everything I needed, except for my clothes. I only had a few outfits that fit towards the end, so I couldn't pack them up or I would have had nothing! Well, at this point, I couldn't put together an outfit to save my life. I grabbed random shirts, pants & a dress. I put so many clothes in the bag, that it would barely zip. I put on the dress, grabbed my earrings (don't even ask me why - I have no idea why this was important to me) and went downstairs. Brad was outside with my brother, taking the dogs out to go to the bathroom. He had said he was going to take them for a walk, but I let him know that was not an option. I was ready to go, and it needed to be right then.
My mom was getting ready for work in the downstairs bathroom, so I poked my head in to get my hair brushes. After that, we were out the door. Mom had considered going to work that morning, but once I went into labor, she called her backup & asked her to come in. All she had to do is open the door & wait for her to come in.
The hubby drove in his typical fashion, only more urgently. I'm not sure how many red lights we encountered, but we definitely didn't stop at all of them. It was pretty cool, you could see the excitement in his face. He was determined to get there as quickly & safely as possible.
Once we got to the maternity admission parking, he pulled in & I walked over to the wheelchairs, which were thankfully at the door. I was not interested in walking anymore, so it was great to see them there. I got in & Brad took the wheel(s) again & we sped through the hallways, trying to remember where the hospital had told us to go. We went back & forth through the hallways a few times before we finally figured it out. We got to the admission desk, and I had a few papers to sign. I could barely answer the simple questions they were asking, and I'm pretty sure my signature was just scribbles. I could hardly remember my name, let alone what my signature looked like. After what seemed like an eternity, they told us where he should wheel me to, and we went on our way. We got into the room, and I immediately climbed into the bed. I had planned to try going natural, but that was quickly being replaced with dreams of epidural-induced numbness. I got up a few more times, convinced that I was still having a touch of food poisoning, and I also threw up a few times. I couldn't bear it anymore, and asked for the epidural. After that, it was pretty much smooth sailing....ahhhhhhhhhh. I was 4 cm when they induced me & an hour later I was 9.5 & fully effaced. The doctor came back in & told me that she had to postpone a c-section because baby Ella was ready for me to push. After 45 minutes, and a lot of confusion about exactly what I was pushing, she was out! It was really hard to figure out if I was doing it right - I couldn't feel a thing. Some women still have some feeling on one side or the other, but all I could feel is my toes. They were cold, but we had to remove my socks because my feet kept swelling from the IV fluids.
Anyway, when the doctor pulled her out, she laid her on my stomach. Brad cut the cord, but she was purple. There were a few seconds - felt like 20 minutes- where she wasn't breathing & they were clearly trying to get her to breathe. She finally cried, and so did we. It was really sweet to see his face when he saw her for the first time. She already had him wrapped around her tiny little finger. Since she wasn't breathing well, they took her over to the warming table & did all of the things they do to a newborn. This wasn't at all what I had hoped for, but I wanted to be sure she was ok before she came back to me. It seemed like an eternity, they declared her first APGAR score a 4, and the second was a 9. Then they wrapped her up & put her in my arms. They had finished stitching me up (only 2, which I still can't even feel - how long do those things take to heal?) and I din't even realize that daddy hadn't held her yet. He was with her the entire time they were working on her, so I had assumed that he was able to hold her. My family came in then, and I asked who wanted to hold her. Hubby said it was his turn, and I handed her over to him. After that, it was just a bunch of passing her around. My parents were there, along with my brother & sister, as well as my mother in law. The proud grandparents are still smiling, and can't wait to see her again.
Right now, our little sweetie is sleeping on daddy's chest. She keeps making this little sound that I tell myself is a giggle. She usually smiles while she does it, so that makes me laugh. She does it every time she eats! She's such a good little girl - sleeps very well & we got the nursing thing all worked out. No more formula for this little one! Only the best for my little girl!

Thursday, September 4, 2008


It's Thursday night. We had our last appointment today, the 41 week visit. Since I'm only 2cm, the doctor decided t0 schedule an induction for Saturday at 7am. We're so excited! I have some last minute things I wanna do - some cleaning so I can come home to a clean house, but I don't know how much will get done. Brad has lots to do, too, so he will be painting while I'm (hopefully) cleaning. We'll see how that works out! I have to take LOTS of breaks!
Anyway, the next post should have pics of our beautiful little girl!!! I CAN'T WAIT!!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Another Dr. Visit

Well, we had another appointment today. I'm still only 1cm dilated. The doc says that I have a "spacious pelvis" so they're not really worried about her getting too big to go naturally. Brad & I asked about getting induced, but she said that usually ends in c-section if the baby's not quite ready. It's also harder for all involved, and could take days. Dangit. I was hoping we were a little closer. I have been wondering the whole time if my due date was accurate, since I really have no idea when I got pregnant. So, I was kinda hoping to go early. No such luck. It looks like I will probably be a little late. I hope she doesn't wait too long! I really want to see her little face & make sure she's healthy. Brad's really anxious for her to come, too. He's convinced that she'll be hanging in there for a few more months. Not cool. I will schedule a c-section before that happens! I'm not completely miserable yet, but it's getting pretty uncomfortable. My back hurts a lot these days, and when I sit too long, I feel like I have to re-train my legs how to walk! Lots of aches & pains, but she'll be totally worth it!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Belly Shots

We took these last night in our living room. Brad held the flash & kept giggling the whole time.
I had to take some shots of my monstrous belly before she comes! Thank God for Photoshop. I got rid of the stretch marks!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Waiting Game

Ugh. I'm too impatient for this. 2 weeks left until my due date, but ALL I can think about is seeing her little face. Yesterday, we had mexican food (with a little hot sauce), walked all over the place, and Brad rubbed my feet.
No contractions yet. Dammit. Well, we tried.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Another ultrasound

We had another ultrasound yesterday. I had anticipated some more cute profile shots, maybe catching her sucking her thumb or something. We really didn't see much of her at all. The tech said that because she's so big & older now, her bones are hardening & make it difficult to see much on the screen. We didn't get any pics. :(
But, we did have her check again to see if it's a girl, & once again, they said yes. So that's reassuring!

From the ultrasound, they say that she's 6 lbs. 14 oz. She's right where she should be. On Saturday, I'll be considered full-term. I may be eating a lot of spicy foods this weekend & walking a lot to encourage her to come a little early!! I just can't wait to hold her!

Missy had her baby yesterday, a little girl, Addison Rose. I'm not sure if I spelled the first name right or not, but you get the idea. She came almost 2 weeks early, so I'm hopeful!

I'm so excited that now I have problems sleeping. And I also have a sinus infection, so that's lots of fun. But, other than that, I'm feeling really great. Still no heartburn or any of the other normal pregnancy complaints. Just a little tired with a runny nose. It could be a lot worse!

Thursday, July 31, 2008

How low can you go?

I'm pretty sure she dropped lower on Sunday while I was driving home. I suddenly got a shot of extra air & could breathe a little better. I hadn't noticed that breathing had become difficult. So now I feel like she's going to fall out anytime. It's hard to walk without waddling, it just feels like her head is in the way! This is so crazy! I've read about it, but obviously haven't experienced it!

So, this is making it even more difficult to focus at work. All I can think about is how happy we'll be when she comes. Brad keeps asking me to go for walks at night, but all I want to do is lay down. He keeps saying that if I walk, maybe she'll come that night. I know, but I'm just too tired!
I'm so exhausted at the end of the day, it's hard for me to even make food to eat. I'm sure it'll be even more difficult when she comes.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Wiggly little girl

For the past few days, she has been wiggling much more than usual. She stops for a little after I eat, but then after an hour or so, she's at it again!

I found some bottles on craigslist, now we have 14 8oz. bottles & 12 4oz. bottles. That should be plenty! Once the dishwasher gets installed, I'll be able to sterilize them.

Now there are only a few things I need to get before she comes: diaper bag, a nursing pillow, a tub, some desitin & other meds, a little grooming kit with a thermometer, nail clippers & stuff & a sling. That's about it...not much left to go!

The bed is set up in her room. I have her clothes picked out for the hospital, but not mine! I also have some little hair bows ready just in case she has some hair on that sweet little head!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

5 weeks, 2 days!

Almost 35 weeks now! We're both getting pretty excited. We've taken 3 of 5 childbirth classes, and had our breastfeeding class last night. I actually learned a few things, so I don't feel like our nights at the hospital are completely useless.

There was a husband next to me that looked completely annoyed that he had to be there at all. He wasn't even watching the video. I'll bet that poor mother is going to have a hard time getting him on board with breastfeeding.

At least I know that the husband will be fine with it. He didn't squirm or get uncomfortable at all during the class. He did have a wicked case of the giggles, which spread to me. I may have missed a few things on the video, but he makes it fun!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Uploaded - Jul 22, 2008-3

27 week ultrasound. This wasn't required, so we went to a local college so we could see her again! This is her face again.

Posted by ShoZu

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18 week ultrasound. This is her face!!

Posted by ShoZu

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18 week ultrasound - profile. you can see her spine. Her hand is by her face.

Posted by ShoZu

Uploaded - Jul 22, 2008

34 weeks & feeling pretty good.

Posted by ShoZu

Monday, July 21, 2008

Uploaded - Jul 21, 2008

Birthday girl and her fave uncle take a break after a long day of partying.

Posted by ShoZu

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Posted by ShoZu