Friday, March 13, 2009


As of yesterday, Ella is constantly saying Da & DaDa. I'm not sure she knows what she's saying, but it's adorable anyway. I can tell she's really trying to listen when I talk. I don't think it will be long before she says Mama. She makes the sound too, but not as often as Dada.

On March 6 (her 6 month birthday), I got her to really giggle. It was precious! I had to record her. I should upload the videos to YouTube so people can see my little sweetie! She was really entertained with a sock in my hand.

We went to the doctor yesterday and she now weighs 15.11 lbs. & is 26 inches long. The pumpkin seat that we have says you should only use it up to 26 inches. Yesterday was the last day she rode in that seat. I'm going to give it to one of Brad's clients so she can use it when she has her baby. It's going to expire before we can use it on our next baby. I think the bases will be good, so we can just get another seat next time.
She always lifts her head when she's laying on her back - whether you're changing her diaper or playing with her. She doesn't like to lay down. I think she feels like she's missing something when her head is down. The doctor felt her ab muscles & said they were really strong. I said that they should be, with all of the crunches she does!!

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