Friday, March 20, 2009


This morning, she pulled herself upright using the rails on her bed. I went in the other room to get some clothes for myself, and came back to see this! Actually, she had her hands in the air pulling at the animals in her mobile. I suppose it's already time to lower the bed!

She loves trying her new foods! I started sweet potatoes this week. I'm not sure if she really likes them, or is getting used to having new textures, but she didn't make the "yuck" face when I first gave them to her. I baked 2 sweet potatoes & mashed them, then I put most of the puree into a silicone ice cube tray. Once they were frozen, I popped them out & put them into a baggie. I like to be able to make her food, I know exactly where it's been & don't have to worry about contamination or weird things being added.

She also like it when Brad grabs her head on each side with his hands. She grabs onto his hands & giggles when he moves her head around. She really loves being with him. This week, he had a Neurologist & Optometrist appointment. Carol came up to watch her while Brad was in the office. She only wanted daddy! She's really beginning to prefer our company over other people. I would think that Carol would be preferable too, since she sees her so much.

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