Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Rolling Over

On Valentine's Day, she rolled over a few times, completely on her own. She even moved her arm out of the way. We don't play on the floor as much as we should, but she's getting pretty good at rolling over nonetheless. Also, as of Valentine's Day, she can sit on her own. In the weeks since, she's really gottten good at it. She doesn't throw herself back at all anymore, and catches herself when she starts to lean. Last night, we went to the grocery store & she sat in the cart. What a big girl!! I had my coat around it so she couldn't chew on the nasty bar & everything else. It also supported her pretty well. She almost fell asleep until we got to the checkout & she heard all of the beeping. Then she started talking to the checkouts. I don't know why.

Brad is having more fun with her every day. I love watching the two of them play. They're really starting to enjoy each others company. Yesterday, he told me she spent most of the day making new noises & talking. She was in a great mood last night, too. In the bathtub, she sat in her little seat. When she tried to get some toys, she tried to stand up & ended up on her belly inside the seat. She didn't even care - just wanted the toy!

She also pulls herself up to stand when you hold her hands. She hasn't done this by holding onto any other things, but I think it's just a matter of time! She's losing her wobble when she stands too! Her feet are finally flat on the floor while she's in the bouncer. She loves that thing. I can put her in there in the mornings while I'm getting ready for work. It usually keeps her entertained long enough for me to finish.

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