Thursday, July 31, 2008

How low can you go?

I'm pretty sure she dropped lower on Sunday while I was driving home. I suddenly got a shot of extra air & could breathe a little better. I hadn't noticed that breathing had become difficult. So now I feel like she's going to fall out anytime. It's hard to walk without waddling, it just feels like her head is in the way! This is so crazy! I've read about it, but obviously haven't experienced it!

So, this is making it even more difficult to focus at work. All I can think about is how happy we'll be when she comes. Brad keeps asking me to go for walks at night, but all I want to do is lay down. He keeps saying that if I walk, maybe she'll come that night. I know, but I'm just too tired!
I'm so exhausted at the end of the day, it's hard for me to even make food to eat. I'm sure it'll be even more difficult when she comes.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Wiggly little girl

For the past few days, she has been wiggling much more than usual. She stops for a little after I eat, but then after an hour or so, she's at it again!

I found some bottles on craigslist, now we have 14 8oz. bottles & 12 4oz. bottles. That should be plenty! Once the dishwasher gets installed, I'll be able to sterilize them.

Now there are only a few things I need to get before she comes: diaper bag, a nursing pillow, a tub, some desitin & other meds, a little grooming kit with a thermometer, nail clippers & stuff & a sling. That's about it...not much left to go!

The bed is set up in her room. I have her clothes picked out for the hospital, but not mine! I also have some little hair bows ready just in case she has some hair on that sweet little head!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

5 weeks, 2 days!

Almost 35 weeks now! We're both getting pretty excited. We've taken 3 of 5 childbirth classes, and had our breastfeeding class last night. I actually learned a few things, so I don't feel like our nights at the hospital are completely useless.

There was a husband next to me that looked completely annoyed that he had to be there at all. He wasn't even watching the video. I'll bet that poor mother is going to have a hard time getting him on board with breastfeeding.

At least I know that the husband will be fine with it. He didn't squirm or get uncomfortable at all during the class. He did have a wicked case of the giggles, which spread to me. I may have missed a few things on the video, but he makes it fun!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

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27 week ultrasound. This wasn't required, so we went to a local college so we could see her again! This is her face again.

Posted by ShoZu

Uploaded - Jul 22, 2008-2

18 week ultrasound. This is her face!!

Posted by ShoZu

Uploaded - Jul 22, 2008-1

18 week ultrasound - profile. you can see her spine. Her hand is by her face.

Posted by ShoZu

Uploaded - Jul 22, 2008

34 weeks & feeling pretty good.

Posted by ShoZu

Monday, July 21, 2008

Uploaded - Jul 21, 2008

Birthday girl and her fave uncle take a break after a long day of partying.

Posted by ShoZu

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Posted by ShoZu