Thursday, August 28, 2008

Another Dr. Visit

Well, we had another appointment today. I'm still only 1cm dilated. The doc says that I have a "spacious pelvis" so they're not really worried about her getting too big to go naturally. Brad & I asked about getting induced, but she said that usually ends in c-section if the baby's not quite ready. It's also harder for all involved, and could take days. Dangit. I was hoping we were a little closer. I have been wondering the whole time if my due date was accurate, since I really have no idea when I got pregnant. So, I was kinda hoping to go early. No such luck. It looks like I will probably be a little late. I hope she doesn't wait too long! I really want to see her little face & make sure she's healthy. Brad's really anxious for her to come, too. He's convinced that she'll be hanging in there for a few more months. Not cool. I will schedule a c-section before that happens! I'm not completely miserable yet, but it's getting pretty uncomfortable. My back hurts a lot these days, and when I sit too long, I feel like I have to re-train my legs how to walk! Lots of aches & pains, but she'll be totally worth it!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Belly Shots

We took these last night in our living room. Brad held the flash & kept giggling the whole time.
I had to take some shots of my monstrous belly before she comes! Thank God for Photoshop. I got rid of the stretch marks!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Waiting Game

Ugh. I'm too impatient for this. 2 weeks left until my due date, but ALL I can think about is seeing her little face. Yesterday, we had mexican food (with a little hot sauce), walked all over the place, and Brad rubbed my feet.
No contractions yet. Dammit. Well, we tried.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Another ultrasound

We had another ultrasound yesterday. I had anticipated some more cute profile shots, maybe catching her sucking her thumb or something. We really didn't see much of her at all. The tech said that because she's so big & older now, her bones are hardening & make it difficult to see much on the screen. We didn't get any pics. :(
But, we did have her check again to see if it's a girl, & once again, they said yes. So that's reassuring!

From the ultrasound, they say that she's 6 lbs. 14 oz. She's right where she should be. On Saturday, I'll be considered full-term. I may be eating a lot of spicy foods this weekend & walking a lot to encourage her to come a little early!! I just can't wait to hold her!

Missy had her baby yesterday, a little girl, Addison Rose. I'm not sure if I spelled the first name right or not, but you get the idea. She came almost 2 weeks early, so I'm hopeful!

I'm so excited that now I have problems sleeping. And I also have a sinus infection, so that's lots of fun. But, other than that, I'm feeling really great. Still no heartburn or any of the other normal pregnancy complaints. Just a little tired with a runny nose. It could be a lot worse!