Friday, April 24, 2009

Baby Teeth

Ella has her first 2 teeth now. The first one showed up on March 31, the second one made it's appearance sometime this past week. We're not really sure when they came in, it's REALLY hard to get her to show us. I usually see them when she's yelling at me or when I'm feeding her. Anyway, she now has 2 tiny little white teeth coming up through the gums. They're adorable! She keeps sticking out her tongue to feel them. Then she squeals, but she does it with her tongue out. It's hilarious!

She's getting much more mobile now. Sometime in the past few weeks, she's gotten better at inching her way forward on her hands & knees. I wouldn't say she's crawling yet, but she's trying to figure it out. Between pushing off with her back feet & rolling/sitting up, she can definitely get around.

Last night, we were playing on her rug with some toys. I went into the other room to make dinner while Brad stayed in the living room with her. He called me back in after a few minutes to show me what she was doing. She had made her way to the table & was looking on the bottom shelf for something to play with. She found a shoe, and was trying to get back out when I walked in. He said she had done that just before - when she pulled out a book & began playing with it. It's so amazing to see her little mind developing right in front of us.

On Wednesday night, we had a terrible scare. We were driving home from the pharmacy - Brad needed to fill a prescription for eye drops - $40! So much for "good" health insurance, eh?
Anyhoo, Ella was in the backseat, I was driving & Brad was in the passenger seat. I heard a little sound, like she was playing. I looked in my mirror and saw her face completely red, with something white in her open mouth. I was driving through an intersection, so I pulled forward, but stopped in the middle of the road. Luckily, there was no one behind me. I put on my hazard lights, took off my seat bealt, and was in the backseat in one quick motion. I pulled the white thing out of her mouth, wondering where it had come from. I only give her soft toys in the car, and there wasn't anything even close to the carseat that she could have pulled close to her. I realized that it was a tag from the headrest of the carseat. I thought that was a safe place for her. I never would have imagined that she would be able to pull those tags off. They're not exactly loose. Needless to say, I removed all other tags from the seat, and will be doing the same with everything in our house. I also sent an email to Graco, letting them know that this happened, so they can change the way they make the headrests. There are tags on the back, I think they need to put all of them out of baby's reach. This car seat is the exact seat she should be using for her age. She's not using a booster seat or anything, just a standard infant to toddler seat.

Luckily, she is perfectly fine. I can't help but imagine what would have happened if I hadn't looked in the mirror. She would have been dead by the time we got home, and neither one of us would have known. Nobody ever told me how stressful it is being a mother.

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