Saturday, June 6, 2009

New things

She has a few new things now.
On Thursday, June 4, I was giving her some little baby puffs. They're kinda like cereal, but really puffy so that when they hit her tongue, they begin to dissolve immediately. I was putting them in her mouth, but then she grabbed one. I made the sign for eat & told her to eat it. So she popped it in her mouth!! Wow! I should have done that a long time ago! I didn't know she understood me! She's catching on to more signs.

Every morning when we get up, I look over at the mirror next to the bed. I wave at us, and say, "Hi Mommy, Hi Ella!" She started doing that a few days ago, unprompted. Now, whenever she sees herself in the mirror, she waves. It's pretty darn cute. She will also wave to people, if you tell her to. Sometimes you have to get her arm started, but she will do it eventually! :D
What a sweetheart!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Standing now!

Yesterday, Brad called me while I was at work to tell me that she had starting standing on her own. She had done it for a split second a few times before. Yesterday, she started standing on her own for a little longer. It's still just a second or two.

Her new thing is making an O with her mouth & then saying OOOOO, but like an old man. It's pretty funny, especially when she raises her head high. It makes her neck look so thin underneath those huge cheeks!!