Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Since the last post, Ella has discovered the following:
Her feet - but usually only during a diaper change
Her right ear - apparently the left is hidden
She can pull the toy in her bouncer to make it sing (it's a little monkey that plays "If you're happy & you know it...")

She is getting back to her AWESOME sleeping habits - sleeping for about 5-7 hours again. It's SOOOO nice!
She likes to blow bubbles & makes raspberry sounds with her mouth. The other night, I wanted to see what she would do if I was "asleep" while feeding her. She stopped, looked up at me, and started cooing. I tried to keep my eyes closed, but she was so cute, I couldn't bear to let her down. She would start to giggle, and then coo some more. It was precious!

We had a real giggle on Saturday. I was tickling her chin & she let out a really loud one. Brad got out the camera so we could get it on tape, but she stopped. :( I can't get her to do it again. But, she is really starting to make lots of noise. She likes to coo in bed in the morning when she's ready to get up. If she wants to go back to sleep, she cries & keeps her eyes shut!